Science, Technology and the Future Local Governance Model
Cultural rights | Local Democracy | Multilevel Governance
Korean Association for Local Government Studies, KDI School of Public Policy and Management and Center for Security Convergence & eGovernance
Interpretation EN – KO
New technologies should be deployed in a way to serve a people-oriented smart city and strengthen the capacity for self-governance. Given that science and technology might chip away at local autonomy, this session will discuss a model of local governance which can contribute to balanced regional development and replace the current centralized development system.
- Moderator: Mr. Seung Hwan Myeong, Professor, Inha University
- Mr. Kyu Dong Park, Professor, Kwangwoon University
- Ms. Geun Hye Kim, Professor, Korea University
- Mr. Hyungjun Seo, Researcher, Center for Security Convergence & eGovernance, Inha University
- Mr. Galym Omarov, Associate Professor, The International Information Technology University Almaty
- Mr. Suhngbin Lim, Professor, Myongji University
- Ms. Kwi Hee Bae, Professor, Soongsil University
- Mr. Hyon Kun Kwak, Professor, Daejeon University