UCLG Leadership

Ada Colau
Mayor of Barcelona, Special envoy to the United Nations

Anne Hidalgo
Mayor of Paris, Co-President as Chair of the UCLG Standing Committee on Gender Equality

Armand Béouindé
Mayor of Ouagadougou, President of the Association of Municipalities of Burkina Faso (AMBF), Vice-President for Africa

Ashok Kumar Byanju Shrestha
Mayor of Dhulikhel and President of the Municipal Association of Nepal, as Vice-President for ASPAC

Aysen Nikolaev
Head of the Republic of Sakha, as Vice-President for Eurasia

Berry Vrbanovic
Mayor of Kitchener, UCLG Treasurer

Carlos Martínez
Mayor of Soria, Envoy of the Presidency for the New Urban Agenda

Carola Gunnarsson
Mayor of Sala and Vice-President of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Vice-President for Europe

Carolina Cosse
Mayor of Montevideo, as Vice-President for Latin America

Claudia López
Mayor of Bogotá, Vice-President for Metropolis

Ilsur Metshin
Mayor of Kazan, Chairperson of UNACLA

Jan Van Zanen
Mayor of The Hague, UCLG Governing President

Johnny Araya Monge
Mayor of San José, UCLG Co-President

Li Mingyuan
Mayor of Xi'an, UCLG Co-President

Madelaine Y. Alfelor-Gazman
Mayor of Iriga, UCLG Treasurer

Mohamed Saadie
President of the Union of Dannieh Municipalities, Vice-President for Middle East and West Asia

Pablo Jurado Moreno
President of the Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Governments from Ecuador (CONGOPE), Vice-President for the Forum of Regions

Taneen Rudyk
Municipal Councillor of Vegreville and President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Vice-President for North America

Uğur İbrahim Altay
Mayor of Konya, UCLG Co-President